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"Ich finde, dass dem Author damit ein sehr guter Beitrag vor allem für junge Leute, die gerade in den Beruf einsteigen oder eingestiegen sind, gelungen ist. Durch die Mischung aus abstrakten Regeln, persönlichen Erinnerungen / Begebenheiten und fiktiven Dialogen liest sich das Buch flüssig und bringt anschaulich rüber, was gemeint und gewollt ist".
"Ich habe mir...die deutsche Version vorgenommen und mich regelrecht festgebissen. Da steckt viel an Lebenserfahrung und Weisheit drin, wie man es so gedrängt und so gut lesbar sonst nicht findet; ich kann nur gratulieren zu der Fülle an Gedanken und den praktischen 'Rules' aus [dem] reichen Berufsleben [des Autors]”.
"Insgesamt sind die „Calhoun-Senghor Regeln“ sehr hilfreich und humorvoll übermittelt und nehmen ein wenig die Angst vor dem Einstieg in die Berufswelt".
"Das Buch ist so konzipiert, dass man schnell und einfach zu einem konkreten Problem einen Ratschlag finden kann. Aufgrund der teils sehr bewegenden persönlichen Geschichten und Erfahrungen des Autors lässt sich dieser Ratgeber leicht lesen und wird keinesfalls zu einer weiteren trockenen Lektüre, die Erfolg auf Knopfdruck verspricht und letztendlich im Bücherregal verstaubt. Vielmehr zeigt das Buch, dass es für alle Probleme einen Lösungsansatz gibt und sorgt dabei des Öfteren für ein Schmunzeln".
"Der Autor begegnet seiner Leserschaft auf Augenhöhe, nimmt sie an die Hand und zeigt ihr, wie ein jeder das beste aus der eigenen Karriere herausholen kann. Calhoun-Senghor motiviert dazu, die Karriereleiter zu erklimmen und nimmt zugleich die Angst vor Rückschlägen. Ich kann das Buch allen empfehlen, bei denen erste Praktika und Nebenjobs anstehen oder die das erste Examen auch schon in der Tasche haben. Die aufgeführten Regeln lassen sich auf das Arbeiten in Kanzleien, Behörden, Unternehmen und sämtlichen weiteren Organisationen übertragen".
"A concise, no-nonsense guide to navigating the 'hired-to-fired' minutiae of workplace politics."
"[P]riceless wisdom would be a more appropriate description for “rules” like “Understatement Is Best” and “All Big Problems Start Small.” These rules are worth the price of admission alone, but the job-interview portion of this text is where many readers should start. Calhoun-Senghor offers a brief treasure trove of advice on negotiating, getting hired, and even the pitfalls that will lead to getting fired."
"[I]n an arena where superfluous, one-size-fits-all content tends to run rampant, Calhoun-Senghor’s candor is both refreshing and necessary. Pulling punches helps no one when it comes to the reality of today’s job market. There are no sidebars discussing the finer points of creating a “brand” on social media, which is precisely why this book will still matter decades from now."
"Based on the subject matter and execution alone, HOW TO GET A JOB AND KEEP A JOB is a success. ... But what really sets Calhoun-Senghor’s book apart from the fray is the author’s attention to detail. Be it the top-shelf, very-giftable packaging or the brilliant illustrations, this book exudes quality from cover to cover. Add to that a handful of appendices (and even a glossary), and you have a reference ready-made for any professional’s desk."
"Keith Calhoun-Senghor’s HOW TO GET A JOB AND KEEP A JOB: The Fundamentals of Organizational Politics is a “quick” read that offers invaluable advice on nearly every page. A tremendous value proposition for working adults at any stage of their careers, and a must-read for anyone looking to enter (or transition through) the job market."
"The lessons start from the first page in this brisk, direct, and illuminating guide to achieving just what its title says inside companies, organizations, firms, and more. “Idealists don’t have to be incompetent at organizational politics.,” writes Calhoun-Senghor, a veteran of the Clinton White House, international law agencies, and more. Making the case that one need not be a cynic to gain success—and, yes, power—in any organization that has its own internal politics, Calhoun-Senghor lays out a set of clear-eyed rules for thriving in any position."
"The advice offered here, updated for the remote-work era, is keyed to what it actually takes to find and secure one’s place and position within an org, from someone who understands that it takes power to make change—in fact, the first step, Calhoun-Senghor writes, is for individuals to decide what it is they want to accomplish with the power that they accumulate. “Otherwise,” he notes, gathering power is “just an ego trip"."
"[T]he guidance on how to “play The Game successfully” blends the highly practical—work on writing and public speaking skills; master a foreign language; “turn your major weakness into your killer stroke”—with a shrewdness about social interactions.... The guidance throughout emphasizes knowing one’s self, seizing opportunities to stand out and demonstrate one’s capabilities, and to anticipate and deftly manage challenges—in short, the skills that success within organizations truly demands."
"Takaway: Valuable guide to succeeding—and making a difference—within organizations."
"In this lively book, Keith Calhoun-Senghor offers timely advice on how to acquire and manage a career. An international attorney with Stanford and Harvard degrees and broad experience in government, Calhoun-Senghor packs his book with prudential wisdom young readers will appreciate."
"While there are countless career development self-help books, Calhoun-Senghor’s goes further than most. Where some books advise job-seekers to be listeners more than talkers, for example, he tells prospects what to listen for; where other books discuss getting hired, he talks about getting fired—and how to turn the misfortune into the greatest possible advantage. The book also includes charming illustrations consistent with the author’s droll, personable tone."
"[T]his is a terrific book for students, recent graduates, and interns. Calhoun-Senghor’s insights should also prove useful for job-seekers or professionals at any stage of their careers."
"Are you a student, intern, or someone starting or changing your career? Do you want to succeed in the cutthroat world of corporate job politics? Look no further! Keith Calhoun-Senghor's How to Get a Job and Keep a Job is your ultimate guide to navigating the stormy seas of the job world."
"This essential guide is a game changer for young professionals or anyone who is looking to jumpstart their careers. This informative book is filled with practical tips and real-world advice, and it is a must-read for anyone serious about success."
"Keith Calhoun-Senghor has authored an exceptional book that provides unparalleled insight into the job market and how one can succeed in landing a lucrative career."
"This book is essential for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the topic. Keith Calhoun-Senghor's writing style is clear and concise, making it easy to follow along and absorb the information. He provides practical tips and strategies backed by research, ensuring readers can trust and incorporate the advice to their own lives."
"The author draws on his 40 years of experience in legal and government work, including a stint in the U.S. Department of Commerce during the Clinton administration, in order to distill the basics of finding a job, as well as starting it, liking it, and keeping it.... These chapters [are] playfully illustrated by Liv Senghor."
"Calhoun-Senghor proves to be an invaluable mentor in these pages. His prose style is clear and personable, with an understated sense of humor and an unfailingly optimistic view of how his readers might improve their situations. This is an essential study of the dynamics of workplaces (including the author’s segment on entering government work), but it’s also a low-key guide to self-improvement.... He also goes through many basics that newcomers to the workforce might not have considered, and always with a refreshing clarity."
"His tips about negotiating techniques and entering government service clearly come from hard-won professional experience, and they include choice reflections from his time in the West Wing. As Calhoun-Senghor points out, the principles he’s outlining are millennia old, but this is a good thing—time has proven that mastering them can lead to success. An energetic and immensely helpful overview of working life and its challenges."
"Dissecting the intricacies of professional success and sharing strategies to rise above organizational chaos, How to Get a Job and Keep a Job: The Fundamentals of Organizational Politics by Keith Calhoun-Senghor is a practical collection of savvy wisdom."
"[T]his book is broadly accessible and contains lessons that are relatively easy to apply in everyday life. From learning how to pick your battles and the power of self-assessment to taking criticism gracefully and identifying the lesson in every failure, this book is an in-depth how-to guide for navigating any organization."
"Frequently using personal anecdotes from his own career to exemplify critical points, Calhoun-Senghor has had a surprising amount of lived experience operating in some very serious places - even defense briefings for the White House - that inform his firm rules for organizational navigation."
"Regardless of your personality or professional experience, understanding the ways that power and influence affect groups of people is valuable knowledge, and Calhoun-Senghor presents a personal cheat sheet that is applicable in a wide variety of settings."
"[T]he book is impressive for its wide list of potential applications. Beyond advice for workplaces or organizational settings, the discussion of interpersonal dynamics, identity, confidence, and purpose is downright philosophical, at times, making the potential audience for this book even wider. Thorough, entertaining, self-reflective, and timely, the book is a one-stop primer for professionals of any age."
"I found the author’s writing to be delightful, insightful, engaging, and at times humorous. For whatever reason, I found the work identifiable, although, I have never worked for the government!... The author is a humble soul and very gifted as a teacher. His book is giving back what he has received from his family and years of education and work experience."
"My mentor is the late Father George Clements, who is an African American priest from Chicago. He wrote a book titled, JUST DON’T IGNORE ME, My life as a Black priest in the Catholic Church. I enjoyed his book, and I found Mr. Calhoun-Senghor’s book equally engaging. This book is very informative and gives a road map of what to do, and not do. What to say and not say. How to get a job, keep it, and how to manage being fired. The author speaks with a wisdom years beyond his age. And I loved the illustrations. I plan to buy several copies once it is officially published."
"The author and illustrator have created a terrific piece of work, a clear, well written, and beautifully designed handbook on getting employed, staying employed, and advancing and succeeding in the job. I’m impressed!"
"This is an exceptional work: the writing style is concise, precise, and no-nonsense. The author spent plenty of time refining and polishing this book, and I can say that it reminded me of another favorite book of mine: The Art of War by Sun Tzu."
"The reading experience is wonderful: the length of the chapters is right, the anecdotes are fun, and the illustrations are interesting (special thanks to Ms. Senghor!). The book is also informative in many aspects: in addition to the Rules, I learned about many prominent Black figures and their life and career, and the story of ‘NewSpace.’ I will purchase several copies for myself and my friends once the book is published."
"This is a practical book for practical people. And it is an important book for young people. The writing is direct and to the point. I really liked the illustrations. Also the 24 Rules are a good way to present things. It makes the points clear."
"Very enjoyable, and as I expected, I wish I had a copy back when I started at the SEC [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission]. The negotiation chapter, and Rules 5, 8, [11], and 12, in particular, were outstanding."
"I've read... [the] book and it is really terrific. Everything [the author] says is spot on (the same sorts of things I tell my students) and it's a really easy read. Clearly written. Not at all legal-ease. Great advice even for people who already have a job."
"The graphics are very good. They are ‘off the chain.’ There are also a lot of good, real-life examples, some very moving. And I really liked the Rules. I plan to send copies of the book to my younger relatives."
"Thanks so much for producing the beautiful illustrated book. My father would be so proud of your accomplishments with the book and your career. It contains valuable information for, not only a novice lawyer, but anyone embarking on a new job."
"It is a very interesting and novel approach to an enduring subject matter. I do not know whether this combination of practical advice and autobiography has been tried in Germany before, but it might just work here. I like the short, concise sentences.... It is a great read. Hopefully, it will be accepted by students as the go-to book during the last years in law school and the first years on the job."
"First and foremost, the book makes for highly enjoyable reading. Not only is it informative, but it is also written in a vivid style that makes you want to read on. The personal anecdotes, and most importantly, the humour, make it easy and fun to read. (The conversation between Caesar and his quartermaster had me rolling on the floor laughing. Also the invented names and the author’s conversation with the baloney sandwich)."
"The author’s wealth of experience is impressive!... I quickly realized this is invaluable advice for anyone working in any workplace - be that the private or the public sector. Some of the Calhoun-Senghor Rules were eye-opening.... The hands-on advice regarding elevator pitches and job applications, complete with the appendices, will be extremely helpful for anyone applying for a job."
"The book has a very clear overall structure, and the structure of the individual chapters is also clear. I found the numbered lists/bullet point lists very helpful. I also appreciated the illustrator´s drawings at the end of each chapter, serving as a ‘visual summary’ of each rule/chapter."
"The book was an unexpectedly enriching read.... There was a wealth of content in it that I can use for my own personal and professional growth and I´m extremely grateful to have the opportunity to read it! I´ve taken quite a few notes for myself while reading the Calhoun-Senghor Rules and I´d love to have the book."
"Das Buch ist leicht zu lesen und enthält für jede Person hilfreiche Unterstützung nicht nur im Beruf, bei Bewerbung und Kündigung. Das Buch zeugt von großer Erfahrung und macht deutlich, dass häufig erst ein Fehlverhalten den eigentlich richtigen Weg aufgezeigt hat. Insbesondere die zusätzlichen Kapitel sind aber als Nachschlagewerk sehr lohnend. Beeindruckend auch die simplen Feststellungen wie ‚Es schadet nicht und hilft fast immer’".
"The book’s presentation is humorously instructive and thorough without causing an inferiority complex (as is often the case in European education ‘von oben herab’) ... We also enjoyed [Liv Senghor's] drawings; these add warmth and optimism."
"Wie man einen Job bekommt und behält – hinter diesem verlockenden und vielversprechenden Titel verbirgt sich ein Buch, das vor Tipps und Lebenslektionen für StudienabsolventInnen, BerufseinsteigerInnen oder alle, die sich auf der Karriereleiter nach der nächsten Strebe strecken, nur so strotzt".
"Der Autor Keith Calhoun-Senghor, der nach seinem Studium an der Harvard Law School selbst eine beachtliche Karriere als Berater für die US-Regierung, international tätiger Anwalt und universitärer Lehrbeauftragter hingelegt hat, packt seine besten Ratschläge und Weisheiten aus, um sich in der Welt der Organisationspolitik nicht nur zurecht zu finden, sondern zu brillieren".
"Gespickt mit einprägsamen Anekdoten, Illustrationen und praxisnahen Beispielen erklärt er in 24 Calhoun-Senghor-Regeln wie die Machtstrukturen in großen Unternehmen, Anwaltskanzleien und Regierungen funktionieren und gibt sein Wissen, welches er sich in seinen über 40 Jahren Berufserfahrung aneignete, an die Leserlnnen weiter".
"Durch den abwechslungsreichen Schreibstil, die humorvoll erzählten Geschichten aus seinem Alltag und die einprägsamen Regeln schafft es Calhoun-Senghor die komplexe Welt der organisierten Machtstrukturen verständlich darzustellen. Mit dem ehrenwerten Ziel, sein im Laufe seiner Karriere erlerntes Wissen weiterzugeben, nimmt er sich der Aufgabe an, den LeserInnen eine erfolgreiche Teilhabe an ‚dem Spiel’ zu ermöglichen. Denn manche Sachen lernt man nicht in der Schule und Talent allein reicht nicht aus".
"Dies ist eines dieser Bücher, was man nie für immer zuklappt. Die dort enthaltenen Tipps und Lektionen sind universell auf unterschiedliche Lebenslagen anwendbar und in einer so positiven und motivierenden Art verfasst, dass es sich lohnt, dieses Buch von Zeit zu Zeit neu aufzuschlagen, um sich dann mit einem neuen Blickwinkel in die Welt der Macht und Politik aufzumachen und dort Großes zu bewirken".
"Als frische Absolventin oder frischer Absolvent steht man am Anfang einer Karriere. Wer hätte da nicht gern einen Leitfaden, an dem man sich in Bereichen Jobsuche, Arbeitswelt und Karriereaufstieg entlang orientieren kann? – Der Autor Keith Calhoun-Senghor bietet in seinem Buch 'Wie man einen Job bekommt und behält – Die Grundlagen der Organisationspolitik' einen genau solchen Leitfaden".
"Calhoun-Senghor drückt sich sprachlich zwar gnadenlos ehrlich aus, bedient sich aber auch einer humorvollen Erzählweise, die die Stimmung während des Lesens lockert und dazu motiviert, die ‚Calhoun-Senghor-Regeln’ in die eigene Karriere einzubauen. Die persönlichen Geschichten und Erfahrungen werden authentisch vermittelt, wodurch Leserinnen und Leser ihnen leicht folgen können. Gleichzeitig wird durch den stetigen Bezug in die Vergangenheit des Autors eine Spannung aufrechterhalten, die das Buch umso lesenswerter macht".
"Es wird ein breites Themenspektrum abgehandelt, welches vom Stadium der Jobsuche und des Bewerbungsgespräches bis hin zum Stadium der Kündigung oder der Entlassung reicht. Somit eignet sich das Buch in erster Linie für frische Absolventinnen und Absolventen, aber auch für all jene, die einen Karrierewechsel anstreben, wobei es keine Rolle spielt, ob diese Karriere im privaten Sektor oder im öffentlichen Dienst beginnen soll".
"Viele Themen aus dem Buch werden einem in der Arbeitswelt begegnen. Man hat aber die Wahl, ob man darauf vorbereitet sein wird oder nicht".
"[D]ieses Buch hilft einem dabei die Angst vor dem riesigen und unbekannten Ungeheuer der Arbeitswelt zu verlieren. Der Autor ermöglicht einem teilweise tiefe Einblicke in seine Vergangenheit, wodurch man die Möglichkeit erhält bestimmte Erfahrungen, negative wie positive, in das Gesamtbild, das große Ganze, einzuordnen. Calhoun-Senghor schreckt auch nicht davor zurück eigene Fehler und Rückschläge mit seinen Lesern zu teilen, denn gerade das sind die Momente aus denen man am meisten lernt".
"Wie der Titel schon vermuten lässt, enthält dieses Buch auch viele praktische Tipps, die man direkt versuchen kann anzuwenden. Man braucht also keine Angst zu haben in langweiligen Organisationsstrukturen zu ertrinken".
"Sei es eine Meinungsäußerung mit der Floskel ‚Nun ja…’ zu beginnen, um sich Zeit zum nachdenken zu erkaufen oder wie man einen nervigen Kollegen mit Drang zum Lästern los wird. Dieses Buch erteilt Ratschläge wo es nur kann und dabei schafft es der Autor immer sich selbst auf die gleiche Ebene wie den Leser zu stellen, sodass ein gewisses Näheverhältnis gewahrt bleibt und Mr. Calhoun-Senghor dem Leser nicht wie ein ‚Big Poobah’ erscheint".
"Der Schreibstil des Autors stellt einen erfrischenden Kontrast zu der sonst eher theoretischen und trockenen Thematik dar".
"Während es im Beruf eigentlich darum geht professionell und ernst zu wirken, lässt der Autor keine Gelegenheit aus, dem Leser ein Schmunzeln zu entlocken. Egal ob es ein bekanntes Filmzitat, eine kreative Anspielung, eine Geschichte oder ein Sandwich mit koscherer Wurst, getränkt in braunem Senf und bedeckt mit Hellmanns Mayonnaise ist, Calhoun-Senghor schafft es, seine Weisheiten anschaulich zu verpacken und für den Leser greifbar zu machen".
"Dabei helfen auch die minimalistischen und treffenden Illustrationen. Sie helfen, dem Leser die Furcht und Anspannung zu nehmen, die man empfindet, wenn man liest, was man alles können und worauf man alles achten muss. Man muss sich immer wieder klar machen, dass man im Begriff ist, ein Spiel zu spielen".
"Im Verlauf des Buches stolpert man als Leser immer wieder über Phrasen, die einem zwangsläufig in Erinnerung bleiben. Damit meine ich nicht die Überschriften oder die Regeln an sich, die meistens sehr markante Formulierungen darstellen. Nein, ich meine kleine Sätze oder Nebensätze, die im großen Text auf den ersten Blick nicht auffallen. Wenn man sich gerade im Lesefluss befindet und plötzlich auf eine solche Formulierung stößt, muss man zwangsläufig innehalten, sie noch einmal lesen und nachdenken. Erst dann erkennt man ihre facettenreiche Bedeutung und sie bleibt einem im Gedächtnis".
"Insgesamt kann ich sagen, dass dieses Buch zu lesen eine Bereicherung für mich war".
"Mr. Calhoun-Senghor erklärt dem Leser überzeugend, dass man selbst bei einer solchen Zielsetzung seine Menschlichkeit nicht ablegen sollte".
"Bei Wie man einen Job bekommt und behält – Die Grundlagen der Organisationspolitik (nachfolgend: „HTGAJ“) handelt es sich um ein Werk, welchem es gelingt aus der breiten Masse der Coaching-Literatur durch drei wesentliche Merkmale deutlich herauszustechen: [1. die Struktur; 2. der Stil und 3. die Abgeschlossenheit]".
"Die einzelnen Kapitel des Werks werden 24 Regeln gewidmet. Diese bauen nicht unmittelbar aufeinander auf, sondern greifen vielmehr ineinander.... Diese Struktur erinnert mich an das Book of Virtues von Benjamin Franklin, welches ich selbst zu einem meiner Lebensleitlinien zählen würde, und auf welches ich ebenso von Zeit zu Zeit zurückkomme, da dort ebenso den einzelnen Tugenden entsprechende Kapitel gewidmet werden, mithin ebenso ein „Leitlinien“-Charakter entsteht".
"Im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Coaching-Werken bietet HTGAJ damit den Vorteil, dass auch einzelne Kapitel beizeiten nochmals gelesen werden können, ohne dass es eines Studiums der restlichen Kapitel zwangsläufig bedarf. Positiv hervorzuheben sind ferner die als Appendizes enthaltenen Vorlagen für Lebensläufe, da diese sehr gut visualisieren, wie ein guter Lebenslauf strukturiert sein sollte".
"Das Werk ist sowohl in seiner deutschen als auch in seiner englischen Fassung in leicht zugänglicher Sprache verfasst, ohne, dass hierdurch eine ausreichende Auseinandersetzung mit der komplexen Materie verloren ginge. Dies bietet den großen Vorteil, dass HTGAJ genau den Zweck erfüllen kann, welchem es dienen soll: Das Go-To-Handbuch für Menschen mit Karriereambitionen zu sein, welches auch einmal „on the rush“ herangezogen werden kann, um sich nochmals die Hinweise für den Umgang mit stetig wiederkehrenden Situationen zu vergegenwärtigen".
"Der praxisorientierte Ansatz wird durch eine Vielzahl von Anekdoten zudem deutlich unterstützt. Ergänzend hinzu kommen liebevoll gestaltete Illustrationen vor jedem Kapitel, welche den Ton des Werkes allgemein erhellen und für Auflockerung sorgen".
"In den Kapiteln schafft es der Autor, auf verhältnismäßig wenigen Seiten so ziemlich an jeden Kern des entsprechenden Problems heranzutreten.... Es ist dem Leser zwar klar, dass es nun an ihm liegt, das erlangte Wissen in die Tat umzusetzen, jedoch hat er das Gefühl, mit dem notwendigen Handwerkszeug hierfür ausgestattet worden zu sein. [Das Buch] ist ein besonders empfehlenswertes Werk für alle, die in ihrer Karriere Überdurchschnittliches erreichen wollen. Es ist gleichermaßen für jüngere Menschen, welche am Anfang ihrer Karriere stehen, sowie für erfahrene Senior Executives, die an neuen Denkanstößen interessiert sind, zu empfehlen".
"Herr Calhoun-Senghor hat mit diesem Buch etwas geschafft, was andere Karriereratgeber und Persönlichkeitsentwicklungsbücher bisher nicht geschafft haben: Er spricht mich als jungen Menschen an. Das Buch ist leicht verständlich geschrieben, es gibt Stellen zum Schmunzeln und man lernt etwas fürs Leben, ganz ohne das Gefühl haben zu müssen von oben herab behandelt zu werden".
"Es ist eine schöne Abwechslung nicht nur zu lesen „tue dies, tue das“, sondern endlich konkrete Vorschläge zu bekommen, einen Wegweiser samt Beispielen. Und doch hatte ich zu keiner Zeit das Gefühl einen Karriereratgeber zu lesen. Eher habe ich mich zurückversetzt gefühlt in die Zeit, als ich vor wichtigen Baseballspielen in der Kabine saß und mit meinen Teamkollegen gespannt dem Prep-Talk unseres Trainers zugehört habe. Abschließend kann ich sagen, Herr Calhoun-Senghor schafft es, auf einer „Kumpel-Ebene“ seine gesammelten Erfahrungen und sein Wissen sympathisch und nachhaltig zu vermitteln".
"Das Buch stellt einen Ratgeber für die Zukunft im Arbeitsleben dar und ist eine wirklich lesenswerte Erfahrung. Die Aufteilung in „wie man einen Job bekommt“ und „wie man einen Job behält“ ist strukturell sehr sinnig....Neben den sehr passenden historischen Referenzen waren insbesondere die persönlichen Erfahrungen des Autors sehr interessant. Gerade, wenn man das Vergnügen gehabt hat, den Autor dieses gelungenen Werkes als Lehrperson gehabt hat und die Person hinter diesen Eindrücken kennt".
"Das Buch macht sehr charmante Hommagen an Bekanntschaften des Autors und beinhaltet auch sonst schöne und rührende Momente, ob nun Zitate der Mutter oder inspirierende Werdegänge von Freunden. Es wird stellenweise eine sehr innige Atmosphäre geschaffen, welche jedoch nicht unplatziert, sondern passend instrumentalisiert wird, um die jeweilige Regel, welche vermittelt wird, besonders zu veranschaulichen".
"Die kleinen Illustrationen am Ende eines Kapitels sind ein charmanter Touch, dass diese von der Tochter des Autors illustriert wurden zeigt ebenfalls den persönlichen Bezug des Autors zu seinem Werk".
"Sowohl als Lehrperson als auch als Autor vermittelt Keith Calhoun-Senghor deutlich, dass er stets darum bemüht ist, Leuten zu helfen und zu lehren, und das mit einer ungewöhnlich herzlichen und unverkennbar enthusiastischen Haltung, welche sich genauso in seinem Buch niederschlägt, wie man es in seinen Vorträgen gewohnt ist, wodurch ein sehr authentisches und gelungenes Werk entstanden ist".
"Die Lektüre hat mir große Freude bereitet. Gut gefallen hat mir die anschauliche Erzählweise, der Witz und die Offenheit, mit der der Autor dem Leser begegnen. Das Buch wird die Studentenwelt um viele wertvolle Tipps und Tricks bereichern".
"I genuinely enjoyed reading this book. I would have liked to have had it in college. Instead, I had to learn a lot of things the hard way. I got emotional reading some of the chapters. Other gave me inspiration. This book resonated with me personally. The writing style is a ‘10.’"
"The book did not talk above the reader’s head.... It was not an uneven balance of power. The author does not talk down to the reader like some authors do. This was more of a conversation. I also liked the illustrations. They gave a metaphorical view that fit the book."
"You often don’t know what makes you special or how to dissect the work environment. This book reminds people of the power within; to trust in your abilities. It helps you to be more assertive."
"The anecdotes were the best part. It showed that the author had these actual experiences."
"The book presents very authentic and real advice. It’s not just a collection of ridiculous ‘How To’s’ that aren’t really performable in the real work world and climate of a office environment."
"The methods presented in the book also are very versatile in the sense that from the cashier, to the banker in a global company, and to the lawyer in a big law firm, the tips and tricks, as well as, or even more importantly, the book’s philosophy, can be useful to everyone trying to become more assertive in standing up for themselves."
"I am convinced [the author has] created something that has the potential of becoming a future classic!"
"How To Get A Job And Keep A Job covers questions all students ask themselves when starting a career. The answers this book provides, are an organizational political life saver."
"The author’s lessons are not taught in school - in fact, they are not told anywhere. The common way is to learn those lessons by trial and error, which you do not want to do with your career."
"The book is a masterpiece: It is thought provoking, very enjoyable, most helpful, and brutally honest. Once you have read it, it becomes the book you will not forget about again."
"What makes a book teaching lessons that enjoyable to read? All lessons are backed up by stories to support them - and you still cannot miss the lessons due to the author's mastering of variable sentence lengths and an excellent substructure within the text. The stories in and of themselves are worth reading but, most importantly, this anecdotal evidence projects a rich imagery in the reader’s mind. In fact, you feel like [you're] experiencing the life-lesson-stories yourself."
"I want to preface this by saying, that I usually stay away from non-fiction and avoid “self-help-books” or books that promise you they could improve your life, just because I know that most of the things that are discussed are common knowledge or they wouldn’t benefit me in any way; but [this] book was different."
"I have always known that it is not my skills and qualifications that would keep me from getting a job I really want, but it would be my social skills - or lack thereof - that could prevent me from getting a job or climbing the social ladder. In every social situation I am in, I second-guess my actions, wonder if there are any social rules I am not aware of, or simply feel out of place for not being as sociable and communicative as others. That’s why I have always wanted something like a guideline of how to interact with people, how to make friends (or allies for that matter) and how to navigate difficult situations within a workplace. I found this sort of guideline within the Calhoun-Senghor-Rules."
"[The author] explains really well how and why you should behave a certain way in certain situations and explained the psychology behind [his] reasoning very well, so that it is easily understood and makes sense to people that have no previous experience in these kinds of situations."
"I especially like how [the author] wrote [his] book in the exact same way [he] would talk to us in our class! It made the reading experience quite entertaining and fast-paced, which I really enjoyed. I also thought the illustrations were really cute, but also very fitting, so they made the perfect conclusion to each rule."
"Regarding the “How to get a job” - aspect, I am also very grateful for the cover letter and resume [the author] attached in the end, because I would often hear how recruiters only give each applicant about 10 seconds to decide whether they are worthy of being invited to an interview. So I have always dreaded the thought of putting together my resume that may potentially not even be acknowledged."
"I used [the book's] suggestion to apply for an internship and I did land it, so [I thank the author] very much for helping me with this formality!"
"I will start the internship this summer and I was initially very nervous about my interactions with people that work there, since I don’t know what kind of people I would be coming across. But with [the book's] rules in mind, I have gained a new kind of confidence and I think I will do well, if I really put my mind to it."
"In conclusion, I would say that this is the kind of book that everyone would benefit from by reading it and, therefore, I would definitely recommend it to my peers and especially those who are in a similar situation as me, as it has helped me tremendously. I want to thank [the author] for giving me the opportunity to read [his] book and I hope it helps other people as much as it helped me. [Thanks to the author] for sharing [his] knowledge and experience with us and I hope [he knows] how much [he is] helping students and graduates in getting and excelling at the job they worked so hard for!"
"The illustrations are amazing....The cover is also very catchy. I think [the author] has created a very handy guide for practitioners no matter what stage of their career they’re in. The tips are very helpful and humorously conveyed to the readers. [The author] meets the readers at eye level, takes them by the hand, and shows them how they can get the most out of their careers. At no point does he forget to put humility and humanity first. I think that is what makes his career guide so special and why it will stand out from others. .... The whole book reflects [the author's] unique style of teaching and will always be a reminder of some of my favorite classes in law school. I am glad to have been part of this project."
"I had a fantastic time reading both the English and the German version. Both versions are very well written and full of, almost casually placed, inspiring stories. And after experiencing [Mr. Calhoun-Senghor] in lecture, I couldn’t help but also hear [his] voice in the back to my head while reading every line. That is a treat not many get, but in my humble opinion it only adds to the experience of the book."
"Regarding the rules I have to say that I absolutely love them.... My favorite rules are “Rule 3: Always Be Prepared” and “Rule 15: Constantly Improve Your Weaknesses,” which are not only rules to apply when building your career but which are rules to live by. "Rule 22: Learn to Break Bad (News)" is something I always tried to avoid and I always feared. But after reading about it in your book I went back to Rule 15 and addressed my weakness. So How To Get A Job And Keep A Job already influenced my life for the better after 180 pages. I think that speaks for itself."
"However, there is one rule I cannot completely agree with. “Rule 6: Never Criticize a Colleague or Co-Worker” is a rule that, in my mind, hinders, or at least slows, progress. If you work at an organization, your aim should be to benefit said organization and to grow as a team or branch."
"If only a manager is able to point out errors or flaws, you always have to escalate to a management level above the level where the problem occurred, which in my mind is very inefficient and time-consuming and creates a work culture where it seems like workers want to screw over each other with management. Yet, and [the author is] right there, you have to be careful in how you address something like that to not appear as a wiseacre or 'Besserwisser' in German."
"Regardless, I have put [the author's] “How to get a job”-part to the test already and applied, using the knowledge of [the] book, to a new job in a government organization. I think the positive feedback I have gotten so far speaks for itself as well. So thanks...for that. The illustrations were always a delight when reading and even made me smile sometimes. All in all, a very inspiring, helpful, and well written book, which you can read more than once and still be inspired to progress in your career."
"This guide on how to handle organizational politics is a great guide for anyone at the start of their career trying to succeed at any workplace."
"The author provides the readers with a valuable toolkit to understand unspoken rules and interpersonal dynamics at play at any workplace that need to be understood to succeed and aren’t taught in school. The book is about navigating what makes an organization what it is: the people behind it."
"The lessons themselves have proven to stand the test of time, as evidenced by the anecdotes from the author’s life and experiences working in different fields and countries. Simultaneously, the book also picks up on current workplace trends such as remote work, home office and the importance of your online social media footprint."
"The writing makes for a fun and modern read, infused with many examples, anecdotes and even quotes ranging from Cesar to Santa.... The book teaches people at the start of their career how to navigate tough situations and tough people. It concludes with valuable Appendices that provide examples for Applications, Cover Letters, and Elevator Pitches to make it into the organization in the first place."
"I really enjoyed the way it is written, the short sentences and structure of the text make it really quick and easy to read."
"What I really appreciate about the book is, of course, that when I read it, I felt like I was getting a head start, that I am becoming aware of structures and situations that I will encounter in my life no matter if I read the book or not, and now I can be prepared or already understand my surroundings at my job better."
"In the end, I believe this book is really interesting and helpful, especially for law students. One thing that has really burned itself in my memory now, is the author’s description of his visit to the Oval Office with Secretary Brown. That is what makes the difference for me between other advice that one can read online, for example. The connection of the advice, the Rules, together with the author’s anecdotes, especially the personal ones, really help you to understand and remember them."
"I loved the book. While reading, it is rather obvious the author intends to help students thrive in their respective career paths and becomes a mentor. A mentor who helps students (although everybody would be able to take something away) understand how to navigate a jungle of never-cited rules and, thus, demystifies the game. Most certainly, the game is never truly explained in all its facets. Regardless, everybody is expected to play and excel at it."
"The author explores the fundamentals, whether how to succeed, or at least how to gracefully fail, and illustrates those through anecdotes and personal examples which create a marvelous guide. However, the underlying message remains clear: Always improve, but never change what defines your character. He encourages us to strive towards becoming better, while remaining authentic."
"Not only does the book offer a theoretical approach concerning behavior, style, or societal conventions, but it also provides a magnificent practical guide on how to write a CV or other relevant documents. Furthermore, one of my favorite parts were the illustrations, which added warmth and humor throughout the book."
"Across the board, the author cracks the veneer that is collectively considered as the truth: Talent alone is enough to succeed career-wise. Instead, the precarious truth is far from it. One can tell the blood, sweat, and tears that went into this literary work. And all the hard work, if I may say so, paid off. Congratulations on such a wonderfully written book."
"After having read the English and German versions of this book, I have to say that it is a must-have for every current and former law student and everyone who wants to succeed in the field of law!... The book’s subtitle is very true: The book teaches the things they don’t teach you in school!"
"Although it is an educational book, it does not lack humor, so it is FUN to read it. You are really looking forward to reading and learning about the next topic. The same effect is caused by Ms. Senghor’s illustrations. They look great and are well-considered, so you have to think about the lines you have just read to grasp their meaning."
"The book gives you perspective and confidence, since it is kind of a “code of law,” as well as a guidebook all rolled into one. [It is] a book you should have at home and use to look up something if you need advice about the fundamentals of organizational politics."
"Last but not least, valuable samples for a resume, a cover letter, and important conversations, as well as corresponding vocabulary and phrases, can be found in the book’s appendix. The German version even has these in German and English, which is very helpful! To sum up, I would like to say that if you want to survive and succeed in university, internships, your job, etc., I highly recommend reading this book!"
"It's fantastic! It's enjoyable, it’s fun. It's easy to read, and I plan to buy several copies to share with my friends so they can benefit from [this] shared wisdom".
"One of my favorite sentences is: "Always do the right thing." Despite having talents, knowledge, and experience, economic power, and fortunate life circumstances, we can still make wrong choices. We should always strive to do the right thing".
"This book has the potential to influence not only the business world, but also other social work environments such as schools, hospitals, and kindergartens."
"This book isn’t just about how to get a job and keep a job, but also what’s in between. It employs the very American mindset of go big or go home, dream big and reach for the stars. Just like Mr. Calhoun-Senghor’s lectures, this is refreshingly hands on and practical. And the personal stories sprinkled in transform this from a dry guidebook to an interesting, engaging, while very informational, read. Definitely recommend!"
"What I really came to love throughout the book were the cartoons at the end of every Chapter/Rule. And I was actually kind of disappointed to find that they were missing after, for example, Rule 12. I hope they still will be added in the final version. It almost felt like a little gift at the end of every chapter, which in my opinion really brought the book with its style and humour together."
"What I also thought was important was the [statement] (p. 24f) that you can still have morals and become someone in a position of power. Even though this might be obvious, it wasn’t to me and I thought it was important to state that at the beginning of the book."
"In general, I enjoyed that the book was written humorously, especially since at the beginning of your career everything about it seems rather intimidating. So it was a very good way of keeping a light tone."
"What was very useful were specific examples and also specific sentences for you to use. The rules were not just kept abstract. Therefore, I was obviously a big fan of the Appendices and I think it would be great if there were even one or two more examples of CVs/cover letters."
"The anecdotes/short stories also were really beneficial to understand the Rules better and gave the book such a unique style. Sometimes, for just a page, it kind of felt like reading a novel, which wasn’t what I expected at first. But it was one of the things that made the book so easy to read."
"Furthermore, for me personally, it was really interesting that there was a chapter specifically about how to succeed at a government job, since I would also like to go in that direction. So it was incredibly interesting and helpful to get insight from someone who has already worked there."
"I really believe this is a book young people should read at the beginning of their careers because firstly, it makes you aware of the fact that there is a lot more to success than being good at your job. I don’t think I would’ve even thought about that if I hadn’t read the book (and taken his course). And secondly, it teaches you so much about what else exactly it is you need besides talent."
"Besonders positiv hervorheben möchte ich die klare und prägnante Sprache, die Vielzahl an praktischen Beispielen sowie die witzigen Anspielungen und Skizzen von Liv Senghor. Diese Aspekte machen das Buch zu einer wertvollen Ressource".
"Der Schreibstil, die kurzen Zusammenfassungen der wichtigsten Fakten mit Beispielen und Anekdoten unterlegt, ist besonders lobenswert. Die Verweise auf Popkultur wie Star Wars sowie historische Figuren wie Caesar und Alexander der Große machen das Buch interessant und abwechslungsreich zu lesen, selbst für jemanden wie mich, der normalerweise keine Ratgeber, sondern nur Fiktion liest".
"What sets this guide apart is how the author weaves in personal stories, making each rule not just practical, but relatable and memorable. Each chapter concludes with a thoughtfully crafted drawing that visually reinforces the lesson, adding an engaging element to the reading experience. These illustrations offer an extra layer of insight, making the rules even more impactful and enjoyable to reflect on."
"I approached this book as an evening ritual, reading one chapter at a time after my university studies to unwind and seek inspiration. It became a nightly reward, offering both relaxation and the opportunity to challenge myself with new insights before sleep".
"I found the 24 rules particularly engaging, especially those concerning conversation and negotiation etiquette, as well as appropriate conduct around colleagues and individuals at various levels of the professional hierarchy. Rule 5 and Rule 8 were particularly impactful, offering valuable perspectives on navigating interpersonal dynamics both in the workplace and in life".
"The book is a very useful tool for anyone starting their career. I very much like the language and the colloquial style that is used, as well as the well-structured ’Rules.’ The structure makes sure that the rules stick to your brain and enable you to use them at the relevant time."
"Above all, I really enjoyed the humor, stories and ‘fun facts’ included in the book. They add to the colloquial style perfectly and make the book easy and fun to read. I would definitely recommend it to family, friends, and colleagues of mine."
"I liked the book. It is very personal to the author’s life. It doesn’t feel like a typical university book. It is an easy read for something that teaches you a lot. And the illustrations are very cute.The appendices with the sample cover letter and resume also are helpful."
"I like the reference to home office and remote working and I want to underline that I love the illustrations."
"The book is incredibly impressive. Great illustrations!"
"Reading How to Get a Job and Keep a Job by Keith Calhoun-Senghor truly inspired me".
"[The book] focuses on empowerment and building confidence and is brutally honest about the struggles one will have to face in the real word when hunting for a job. But it doesn’t leave you feeling frustrated; rather it offers advice, support, and strategies to overcome those obstacles".
"How to Get a Job and Keep a Job by Keith Calhoun-Senghor is a comprehensive and practical guide for anyone navigating the job market, especially for newcomers! It provides [readers] with strategies and insights to not only secure employment but also maintain and excel in their positions."
"All in all, this book equips readers with the tools they need to not only secure employment, but also build a sustainable and fulfilling career through practical advice, real-world examples, and emphasis on both hard and soft skills. It is a worthwhile read for job seekers at any stage of their career!"
"How to Get a Job and Keep a Job by Keith Calhoun-Senghor dives straight into the tips and tricks to get ahead of your competition or position yourself better to obtain or retain a job."
"In addition to practical advice on this matter, Mr. Calhoun-Senghor also underscores the importance of power. Subsequently, in an atypical, yet very logical, manner, he explains the necessity of knowing what to do with that power once acquired."
"While many books addressing careers and strategic advice touch upon the topic of power, they often neglect the underlying rationale. This clearly demonstrates the book's focus on the long-term perspective. Pursuing power solely for its own sake inevitably leads to its eventual loss. Anticipating and outmaneuvering one's competition is paramount; a message effectively communicated and exemplified throughout the book."
"For many newcomers to the job world, the significance of organizational politics often comes as a surprise. The positioning of oneself and the portrayal of one's image hold considerable weight. Mr. Calhoun-Senghor meticulously explains how to analyze such situations and leverage them to one's advantage."
"Concluding with essential templates for job applications, such as CVs and cover letters, Mr. Calhoun-Senghor's comprehensive guidance is invaluable, particularly for those just starting out. While countless templates exist online, few are as recruiter-friendly and organized as those provided. The knowledge conveyed in Mr. Senghor's latest publication is especially pertinent, if not indispensable, for students and seasoned professionals alike."
"Everyone stands to benefit from at least a few of the insights offered in this guide. In addition to its practical advice, the book is adorned with stunning illustrations, each offering a unique interpretation of the accompanying chapters. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book, as it was written in a highly engaging manner. The author's approach was refreshingly direct, providing concise explanations without unnecessary embellishments."
"[The] book was very interesting and highly relevant for me, it is excellent advice for my career. I especially liked the examples from [the author’s] own career and the examples of CVs, letters of application, and elevator pitches. I also found the part on politics and public offices highly relevant.... I have recommended the sample audio of [the] book on the website to my students and my colleagues; they all look forward to the publication of [the] book!"
"I found the book an easy, pleasant, and helpful read, and pretty much right on all the key points all the way through."
"Ich freue mich sehr, eine frühe Ausgabe von Herrn Calhoun-Senghor in den Händen zu halten. Es ist nicht nur ein optisches Highlight für das Regal, sondern auch äußerst praktisch, um die wichtigsten Regeln nachzuschlagen – besonders wenn es mal wieder eilig wird … ".
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About Us
John & Courtney Publishing, LLC is an independent publisher based in McLean, Virginia. Founded by Keith Calhoun-Senghor and Liv Senghor, it aims to publish content that changes the conversation.

Keith Calhoun-Senghor is an international attorney with more than forty years of legal, governmental, and business experience in the United States and Germany.
He served in the Clinton Administration as senior advisor to US Secretary of Commerce Ronald H. Brown in the area of commercial space policy. He also clerked for the Honorable John D. Butzner, Jr. of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Virginia. He has served as Senior Counsel with major international law firms in the United States and Germany and as General Counsel to major technology firms.
Mr. Calhoun-Senghor earned his bachelor’s degree from Stanford University and his JD degree from Harvard Law School. He also was a Fulbright Scholar to Germany and has taught as an Adjunct Professor in Germany at the University of Bonn Law School since 2012 and at the University of Giessen Law School since 2023.
Mr. Calhoun-Senghor is licensed as a US attorney at law, a solicitor in England and Wales, and a German Rechtsanwalt. He speaks fluent English and German and is based in Munich, Germany.
Liv Senghor is a multi-lingual illustrator, graphic designer, writer, and animator based in Brooklyn, New York.
Born in Washington, DC, she moved to Munich, Germany at age twelve, where she attended, and graduated from, a German language high school. She also spent time living in Harbin, China, where she learned Mandarin.
She was accepted into New York University’s prestigious Tisch School of the Arts, where she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Film & TV. After graduation, she worked in post-production for New York City’s late–night TV industry. Her credits include: Full Frontal with Samantha Bee; The Rundown with Robin Thede; Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj; and The Amber Ruffin Show. Currently, she works as a graphic designer for the TV show, Late Night with Seth Meyers.
Ms. Senghor also has received recognition for her screenplays by Script Pipeline and the Stowe Story Lab, and has submitted scripts to Netflix.

Website developed by Sebastian Meyer
Website designed by Liv Senghor